Omnimystery News is always searching for newly discounted mystery, suspense, thriller and crime novels for our readers to enjoy.
Today, we're pleased to present the following title, now available at a special price courtesy of the publisher, Villard …
Rose in a Storm by Jon Katz
A Novel of Suspense
Publisher: Villard
Price: $1.99 (as of 09/29/2016 at 6:00 PM ET).
Rose is determined and focused, keeping the sheep out of danger and protecting the other creatures on the farm she calls home. But of all those she's looked after since coming to the farm as a puppy, it is Sam, the farmer, whom she watches most carefully.
Awoken one cold midwinter night during lambing season, Rose and Sam struggle into the snowy dark to do their work. The ever observant Rose has seen a change in her master of late, ever since Sam's wife disappeared one day. She senses something else in the air as well: A storm is coming, but not like any of the ones she's seen over the years. And when an epic blizzard hits the region, it will take all of Rose's resolve, resourcefulness, and courage to help Sam save the farm and the creatures who live there.
— Rose in a Storm by Jon Katz
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