for the Book Passage
Mystery Writers Conference
We are delighted to welcome mystery authors David Corbett, George Fong and D.P. Lyle to Omnimystery News today.
All three authors will be participating in the upcoming Book Passage Mystery Writers Conference from July 24th through the 27th in Corte Madera, California and we're thrilled to present a roundtable discussion with them on why they each enjoy participating in this event.
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What is the most rewarding part of teaching at the conference?
David Corbett: Seeing the light go off in a participant's eyes when something you've said has clicked and given them information and/or inspiration for whatever they're working on.
George Fong: The most rewarding part is the interaction with the staff and attendees. Listening to the group eager to learn the craft of writing and then having the staff provide their insight is priceless. On top of that, the contacts and continuous support provided after the conference brings together a great group of people who become friends, mentors and literary colleagues for many years to come.
D.P. Lyle: The students. This conference attracts writers who are motivated to improve. This is evident in their enthusiasm and interest in the classes presented. I love to teach and eager students make it all the more worthwhile.
What advice do you wish you received when you were a new author?
George Fong: Be careful what you submit to a literary agent. Like a first date, you need to ensure you are putting your best foot forward. Many of us think what we submit is the best but when you talk and listen to the staff and the invited published authors, you realize how important feedback and professional overview is needed to get that perfect pitch to an agent and thereafter, to the right publisher.
D.P. Lyle: Have the confidence to tell your story your way, in your words. That's what agents and editors and readers are looking for. Too often beginning writers get caught up in the technical stuff and miss the essential ingredient---their own true voice. I think every writer wishes he or she had learned that truth earlier rather than later.
David Corbett: Roll with the punches.
What do you hope aspiring writers will get out of this conference?
D.P. Lyle: Knowledge, motivation, and fun. Amazing how those three often go together.
George Fong: In the business aspect, it's understanding the process of getting your work out to the right people – the right fit. Today, the process of getting considered, accepted and published has become very complicated. The agents, publishers and current authors at the conference provide excellent insights on what to expect and a direction as to what would work for you. As for the writing, it's to get the perspective of published writers, hearing how they create and craft, the mistakes they made and what they found to work. They also give you an opportunity to ensure your addressing the fundamentals of writing, learn to cut when "less is better," and seek the right resources to give you productive feedback when fine-tuning your manuscript.
David Corbett: A more developed understanding of craft, a greater awareness of the publishing business, and a deeper, clearer, understanding of their work and themselves.
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About the Book Passage Mystery Writers Conference:
The Mystery Writers Conference has a strong tradition of great authors and teachers. Mystery writers learn all the clues to a successful writing career. Editors, agents, and publishers share with participants what they need to know to get published. Authors offer classes on setting, dialogue, suspense and point of view. Panels of detectives, forensic experts, and other crime-fighting professionals provide invaluable information that allows writers to put realism into their work. We're proud of the successful mystery writers who began their careers at this conference. For more information, visit the Mystery Writers Conference website.
About the authors:
David Corbett is a skilled private investigator, having worked 15 years for the famed private investigation firm of Palladino & Sutherland. Corbett is also an award-winning writer of crime fiction and a superb teacher. His novels include Do They Know I'm Running?, Blood of Paradise, Done for a Dime, The Devil's Redhead and the forthcoming Save By An Evil Chance (February 2015). His writing text, The Art of Character, has been called "a writer's bible."
George Fong spent twenty-seven years as a special agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, investigating all facets of violent crimes, including kidnapping, extortion, serial killings, crimes against children, bank robbery, drug trafficking, fugitives, and Asian gangs. He was a member of the FBI's Evidence Response Team and a certified undercover agent. Fong is now the Director of Security for the world-wide sports television network, ESPN, and author of the new thriller, Fragmented.
D.P. Lyle is a physician and the author of Howdunit Forensics, a definitive reference guide for writers. He is also the author of Forensics and Fiction, Hot Lights, Cold Steel, Royal Pains: First, Do No Harm, Royal Pains: Sick Rich, and More Forensics and Fiction.