Thursday, July 21, 2016

New This Week: 24 Hours, A Kirk McGarvey Thriller Novella by David Hagberg

Omnimystery News is pleased to present a mystery, suspense, or thriller ebook that we recently found by sleuthing (as it were) through new or recently reissued titles from independent publishers during July 2016 and priced $5.99 or less.

Visit our New Indie MystereBooks page for a complete list of titles featured today.

24 Hours by David Hagberg

24 Hours by David Hagberg

A Kirk McGarvey Thriller Novella

Publisher: Forge Books

Price: $2.99 (as of 07/21/2016 at 5:30 PM ET).

24 Hours by David Hagberg, Amazon Kindle format

The seventeen-year-old daughter of the widowed President of the United States is kidnapped from Georgetown University outside Washington, DC.

A ransom note mysteriously appears on the president's desk in his private study off the Oval Office. The demand is as simple as it is impossible: The US must immediately begin a ground war in Syria. If the President doesn't comply within 24 hours, his only daughter will be publicly executed.

The terrorists believe that pitting the U.S. against Russian troops in a ground war will allow ISIS to decisively create its Caliphate, from which it would be free to wage war against the entire world. The Middle East would sink into a new and barbarous century.

Former CIA assassin Kirk McGarvey gets the call in the middle of the night for an emergency meeting with the President of the United States. His mission: find the President's daughter and return her safely to the White House.

The problem: He has only twenty-four hours to do it.

24 Hours by David Hagberg

Important Note: Price(s) verified as of the date and time shown. Price(s) are subject to change at any time. Please confirm the price of the book before purchasing it.


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