Omnimystery News is always searching for newly discounted mystery, suspense, thriller and crime novels for our readers to enjoy.
Today, we're pleased to present the following title, now available at a special price courtesy of the publisher, Torrey House Press …
Canyon Sacrifice by Scott Graham
A National Park Mystery (1st in series)
Publisher: Torrey House Press
Price: $3.99 (as of 05/05/2016 at 5:00 PM ET).
Click here to take a Look Inside Canyon Sacrifice.
When his new stepdaughter is kidnapped during a visit to the Grand Canyon, Chuck Bender faces up to his secret past and his unfamiliar family-man role as he confronts every parent's worst nightmare — that of a missing child.
— Canyon Sacrifice by Scott Graham
A complete list of today's featured titles can be found on the Discounted MystereBooks page on Omnimystery News.
Important Note: Price(s) verified as of the date and time shown. Price(s) are subject to change at any time. Please confirm the price of the book before purchasing it.
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