Henery Press — the place to be for mystery — publishes books in the mystery/suspense genre focused on engaging stories with sharp twists and lively characters.
We've selected one of their recently released titles to feature here today …
Dang Near Dead by Nancy G. West
An Aggie Mundeen Mystery (2nd in series)
Publisher: Henery Press
Price: $2.99 (as of 09/30/2014 at 4:30 PM ET).
Important Note: Price(s) verified as of the date and time shown. Price(s) are subject to change at any time. Please confirm the price of the book before purchasing it.
Aggie vacations with Sam and Meredith at a Texas Hill Country dude ranch with plans to advise her column readers how to stay young and fresh in summer. Except for wranglers, dudes, heat, snakes and poison ivy, what could go wrong?
When an expert rider is thrown from a horse and lies in a coma, Aggie is convinced somebody caused the fall. Despite Sam's warnings, Aggie is determined to expose the assailant.
She concocts ingenious sleuthing methods that strain their dicey relationship as she probes secrets of the ranch and its inhabitants. After she scatters a hornet's nest of cowboys, she discovers more than one hombre in the bunch would like to slit her throat.
— Dang Near Dead by Nancy G. West
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