MystereBooks is pleased to feature Perfect People by Peter James, now available at a special price, courtesy of the publisher, Minotaur Books.
The ebook format of this title was priced at $0.99 from the listed vendors (below) as of the date and time of this post (09/30/2013 at 3:00 PM ET). Prices are subject to change without notice. The price displayed on the vendor website at the time of purchase will be the price paid for the book. Please confirm the price of the book before completing your transaction.
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Perfect People by Peter James
A Suspense Thriller
Publisher: Minotaur Books
John and Naomi are grieving the death of their four-year-old son from a rare genetic disorder. They desperately want another child, but they realize the odds of their next child contracting the same disease are high. Then they hear about geneticist Dr Leo Dettore. He has methods that can spare them the heartache of ever losing another child to any disease.
At his clinic is where their nightmare begins. They should have realized something was wrong when they saw the list. Choices of eye color, hair, sporting abilities. They can literally design their child.
Now it's too late to turn back. Naomi is pregnant — and already something is badly wrong …
Important Note: This book was listed at the above mentioned price on the date and time of this post. Prices can and do change without prior notice. Please confirm the price of the book before completing your purchase.
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