Joe Carnahan (The Grey, The A-Team) has been tapped by Universal Studios to direct the film adaptation of Chuck Hogan's 2010 crime thriller Devils in Exile. Hogan wrote the adapted screenplay. (More about the book, below.)
This will be the second of the author's books to be filmed. In 2010, Ben Affleck directed and starred in an adaptation of Prince of Thieves, which was released as The Town.
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Devils in Exile
Chuck Hogan
Neal Maven returns to Boston from his tour in Iraq only to discover that the country he vowed to protect has little use for him now. Armed with a highly specialized set of skills he can't use and bitter toward the men and women who remained stateside, Maven fears he is near his breaking point. And then he meets fellow vet Brad Royce. Royce is everything Maven wants to be: charismatic and confident, principled, wealthy, and with a beautiful woman on his arm. Not just any beautiful woman, but Danielle Vetti — the most stunning girl from Maven's high school.
Royce offers Maven a much-needed job, and Maven becomes a part of Royce's team of "sugar bandits", a group of fellow veterans who use their military skills to intercept major drug deals, taking the dirty money while destroying the product — a get-rich scheme with a clear moral imperative. Suddenly, Maven's life is better than he ever thought possible: a soldier in a civilian's world. But nothing is as it seems, and Maven is in too deep, and can see no way out …
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