MystereBooks is pleased to feature The Sweet Redemption by Thomas Stienstra as today's free mystery ebook (A Kristopher Korg Mystery; Kindle format only).
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The Sweet Redemption
Thomas Stienstra
A Kristopher Korg Mystery
Publisher: Wild Earth Press
The shadow side of the music industry, crime, and the power of unseen forces are on the same stage.
Inspector Kristopher Korg, a week from being forced into retirement, is charged to investigate the disappearance of a rock star manager. With young partner Jeremy Sager, they bore into the shadow side of show business, where the trail leads to rock star Jesse James Johnson and his entourage, big money, greed, passion, sex and multiple murders.
Important Note: This book was listed for free on the date and time of this post. Prices can and do change without prior notice. Please confirm the price of the book before completing your purchase.
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