MystereBooks is pleased to feature Jackrabbit Junction Jitters by Ann Charles as today's third free mystery ebook (A Jackrabbit Junction Mystery; Kindle format only).
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Jackrabbit Junction Jitters
Ann Charles
A Jackrabbit Junction Mystery
Publisher: Corvallis Press
A burglar is on the loose! Claire wastes no time forming suspicions, but she's sidetracked by a treasure hunt.
Even with help from her boyfriend, Claire is swirling in a whirlpool of chaos. Throw her crazy sister into the torrent, along with an angst-ridden teen, a jittery bride, and some randy old men, and Claire struggles just to keep a toehold in the current.
Then her mother arrives …
Important Note: This book was listed for free on the date and time of this post. Prices can and do change without prior notice. Please confirm the price of the book before completing your purchase.
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