MystereBooks is pleased to feature When Nothing Else Was Right by Carol Costa as today's free mystery ebook.
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When Nothing Else Was Right by Carol Costa
A Dana Sloan Mystery
Publisher: Open Books Press
This is the third mystery to feature investigative reporter Dana Sloan.
About When Nothing Else Was Right (from the publisher): Dana Sloan's investigation into the disappearance of a talented singer, who has run off with money belonging to the mob, is sidetracked when the girl's husband confesses to killing her. The confession is a lie and the case quickly becomes a dangerous web of deceptions and related crimes. Identity theft, murder, and an attempt on Dana's life send her across the country to find the missing girl before the mob catches up with her. For once, investigative reporter Sloan and her boyfriend, Detective Al Bruno, are working a case together, and uncover new evidence that heals a family torn apart by tragedy nineteen years earlier.
Important Note: This book was listed for free on the date and time of this post. Prices can and do change without prior notice. Please confirm the price of the book before completing your purchase.
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