In other television news, Variety is reporting that CBS is developing a drama series based on The Pawn, the first thriller to feature FBI Special Agent Patrick Bowers by Steven James. Charles Murray (Criminal Minds, Castle) will write the screenplay.
In the opener, Bowers is called from his home in Colorado to North Carolina to consult on a serial killer that has terrorized the area. Cunning and lethal, the killer is always one step ahead of the law, and he's about to strike again. It will take all of Bowers's instincts and training to stop this man who calls himself the Illusionist. And just when the pieces start to come together, Bowers realizes they're not quite adding up.
Read our review of The Pawn by Steven James at Mysterious Reviews.
Monday, October 18, 2010
CBS Developing Series Adaptation of The Pawn by Steven James
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