The latest addition to the Law & Order family of series television, Law & Order: UK, premieres this evening on ITV1. The series closely follows the original format combining a police procedural with the more complex dilemmas of mounting a successful prosecution.
Today's Telegraph has a background article on the new series featuring comments from the series creator, Dick Wolf. "Law & Order has always been shot in a specific way," he says. "So just as we previously have with New York, we’re using the landscape of London as an integral part of the stories."
The series is expected to run 13 episodes this season. We have no doubt that it will be available on DVD for those of us in the US to enjoy later this year. [MBN note: More information about the series, including interviews with the new cast, can be found on the Law & Order website on Season DVDs for the US-based series, currently the longest running crime drama on network television, can be found at Mysteries on TV: Law & Order.]
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