First Clues: Mysteries for Kids is delighted to introduce a new feature for our website, book reviews written by students. These students offer their unique perspective on the book in their review and provide a valuable resource to parents looking for new mystery adventures for their kids to read.
The Maze of Bones by Rick Riordan
The 39 Clues Series
Scholastic (Hardcover)
ISBN-10: 0-545-06039-7 (0545060397)
ISBN-13: 978-0-545-06039-4 (9780545060397)
Publication Date: September 2008
List Price: $12.99
Review written by Brittany, Age 11, Grade 6. Date of review: October 2008.
Review: Dan Cahill and his sister Amy live with their great Aunt Beatrice in a tiny apartment. Their grandmother, Grace, recently passed away. Amy and Dan are hoping that they will inherit the mansion and fortune. But, at the funeral, people, and only certain people, have tickets in their program, enabling them to inherit part of Grace’s fortune. Amy and Dan are overjoyed when they get tickets. They aren’t so happy when the Holts, Kabras, and their celebrity cousin, Jonah Wizard, also get tickets. But, there is a twist. Mr. McIntyre tells the inheritors that you can either take the money, one million dollars, or you can get a clue to a very dangerous quest involving all 4 branches of the Cahill family: Lucian, Tomas, Janus, and Ekaterina.
The 39 Clues Maze of Bones is very much like The Amazing Race, just much more dangerous. Also, it is somewhat humorous. It resembles The Amazing Race because the main characters get to travel around the world, solving clues and facing dangers. It is a much more dangerous version of The Amazing Race because there is poison, dart guns, and concussive bombs! It is a quest that means life or death for the family. It is very exciting, and it keeps you on pins and needles. If you have plans for putting this book down, you may as well cancel those plans because you just can’t find enough will to. Even if you had all of the will power in the world, you wouldn’t have enough!
The plot of the book is very well thought out, and it is a book that you can read if you are in 3rd grade or if you are a young adult looking for an adventurous read. Also, if you want a quick read that is really exciting and fun, I recommend this amazingly fantastic book. You won’t be disappointed at all! All in all, I give this book 2 thumbs up! If I could, I would give it 10,000 thumbs up, but I don’t have that many thumbs.
If you are interested in purchasing The Maze of Bones from, please click the button to the right.
First Clue Mysteries is pleased to provide information on nearly 100 mystery series for children and young adults. Each series is conveniently listed under three different age categories (New Sleuth, ages 4 to 7; Future Sleuth, aged 7 to 10; and Sleuth in Training, ages 10 and older). If you have a favorite mystery series you'd like to see added to our site, please contact us.
All student book reviews are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced in any manner, print or electronic, without the express written consent of the copyright owner. Reviews are published here with permission of the copyright owner.
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