We've updated our website First Clues: Mysteries for Kids by adding two mystery series, one new and another a long-running one with a recently published title.
Just published this month is the first mystery in a new series by Jill Santopolo featuring 4th grader Alec Flint, The Nina, the Pinta, and the Vanishing Treasure. Alec is a super sleuth ... well, maybe he's a super sleuth-in-training. Nevertheless, he is absolutely certain that he will make a great detective one day. And when better to test his sleuthing skills than after the entire Christopher Columbus exhibit goes missing from the town museum? He's joined in solving this crime by his classmate Gina.
The Nina, the Pinta, and the Vanishing Treasure is published by Orchard Books, an imprint of Scholastic Inc. The second book in this series, The Ransom Note Blues, is scheduled to be published in 2009.
The Alec Flint mysteries are appropriate for junior sleuths aged 8 to 11.
The 52nd book in the Hank the Cowdog series, The Quest for the Great White Quail, was published in May. The first book in the series, The Original Adventures of Hank the Cowdog, written by John Erickson and published in 1998, introduced Hank, the Head of Ranch Security for a west Texas ranch. For more information about the series and characters, visit Hank the Cowdog's Official Site.
In The Quest for the Great White Quail Beulah, the long-eared lady dog of Hank's dreams, shows up at the ranch and asks Hank to find Plato the Bird Dog who has gone missing. The next book in the series, Drover's Secret Life, is scheduled to be published in the spring of 2009.
The Hank the Cowdog adventure mysteries are appropriate for young sleuths aged 8 to 12.
First Clue Mysteries is pleased to provide information on nearly 100 mystery series for children and young adults. Each series is conveniently listed under three different age categories (New Sleuth, ages 4 to 7; Future Sleuth, aged 7 to 10; and Sleuth in Training, ages 10 and older). If you have a favorite mystery series you'd like to see added to our site, please contact us.
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