Love, Lies and a Double Shot of Deception by Lois Winston
Love Spell (Mass Market Paperback)
ISBN-10: 0-505-52719-7 (0505527197)
ISBN-13: 978-0-505-52719-6 (9780505527196)
Publication Date: May 2007
List Price: $6.99
Synopsis (from the publisher): Life has delivered one sucker punch after another to Emma Wadsworth. As a matter of fact, you could say the poor little rich girl is the ultimate poster child for Money Can’t Buy Happiness — even if she is no longer a child.
Billionaire real estate stud Logan Crawford is as famous for his less-than-platinum reputation as he is his business empire. In thirty-eight years he’s never fallen in love, and that’s just fine with him — until he meets Emma.
But Emma’s not buying into Logan’s seductive ways. Well, maybe just a little, but she’s definitely going into the affair with her eyes wide open. She’s no fool. At least not any more. Her deceased husband saw to that. Besides, she knows Logan will catch the first jet out of Philadelphia once he learns her secrets.
Except things don’t go exactly as Emma has predicted. When the caca hits the fan, and Emma is accused first of her husband’s crimes, then his murder, Logan not only hangs around, he becomes her staunchest defender. That’s when Emma discovers her inner Sidney Bristow and sets out to expose the truth and clear her name.
Review: Love, Lies and a Double Shot of Deception by Lois Winston is the story of a very wealthy widow, Emma Wadsworth, known as the "Princess of Philadelphia.” Although she seems to have everything, she feels she has nothing. Her late husband married her for her money and prestige, then mentally abused her with threats of all kind should she leave him. Enter Logan Crawford who seems to have it all: he's very good looking and, oh by the way, a billionaire. When he and Emma meet it is instant true love for both. Though Logan wants a commitment from Emma, she backs away because she has secrets from her past that she has told no one. But someone out there knows her secrets and is determined to tell all and ruin her life.
The marketing blurbs for Love, Lies and a Double Shot of Deception ("smart, witty fun” and “a whimsical love story”) didn't prepare me for what I read between the covers. I found the book to be quite dark with an excess of sex, drugs, hate, jealousy, anger, blackmail and revenge. With few exceptions, notably Emma and the mayor and his wife, the characters would seem to be more appropriately situated in Las Vegas ("Sin City") rather than Philadelphia ("The City of Brotherly Love").
I'm sure there are readers who will enjoy this kind of book. But call me old-fashioned: I wouldn't want to see my daughter reading it.
Special thanks to guest reviewer Betty of The Betz Review for contributing her review of Love, Live and a Double Shot of Deception and to Book Trends for providing a copy of the book for this review.
Review Copyright © 2007 — Hidden Staircase Mystery Books — All Rights Reserved
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