Wednesday, November 02, 2016

An Excerpt from Expired Listings by D.M. Barr

Omnimystery News: An Excerpt courtesy of D.M. Barr

We are delighted to welcome back author D.M. Barr to Omnimystery News.

Last week we talked about D.M.'s new cross-over thriller Expired Listings (Punctuated Publishing; September 2016 trade paperback and ebook formats) and today we're so pleased that she agreed to share a section from it with us. This is an excerpt from later in the novel, where Dana is remembering how she first told her best friend, confidant and colleague Endicott how she was planning to come to Rock Canyon to sell real estate. Some slight changes have been made from the original for clarity and to avoid giving away any spoilers.

— ♦ —

  Two days later, Dana and Endicott were sitting at the Gresham Café, sharing afternoon tea, as he expressed incredulity over her newly chosen career. She doused her scone with an unhealthy helping of strawberry jam and clotted cream, burying fears of leaving Gresham, her adopted hometown, in an avalanche of sugar.
  "Oh please, Endie. You could be a little more supportive."
  "Oh, I love it. You and me, working side by side. Knocking each other out of deals.
  Bludgeoning each other's reputation. It's a terrific idea!"
  "I don't plan to be that kind of real estate agent."
  "No one does. It evolves naturally. Like apes into humans. Only in reverse." "I can do this. I know I can. And still look myself in the mirror in the morning."
  "Uh huh. Whose mirror will that be? The one in the empty listing you'll be sleeping in with your lover?"
  "I knew I shouldn't have told you about that. Endie, no one's going to be hurt by my 'borrowing' their overpriced home. Especially if I'm pricing it according to their demands. And hey, I can't exactly have him come to my house, can I? Especially now that we'll be living in the same town. He's known, after all."
  "Where are you moving to, anyway? In with Sis? Or Mommy dearest?"
  "No way. Melanie asked, but I think that would be an awful idea. No, I found a small studio over on Grant. Very simple. Cheap."
  "And what about the Gresham house? You adore that place."
  "I'm going to rent it out. I know how much you love that daily commute. Maybe I should get a two-bedroom in Rock Canyon instead. Then you could move in with me."
  "Grayson would just love that. You're not exactly number one on his hit parade these day, you know."
  "I don't understand why he dislikes me so."
  "He's very possessive. You're in my life and he doesn't like sharing. The fact that you came first doesn't seem to make a difference. Now that our little joint project is over, he has no more use for you."
  Endie reached over and tugged on her hair. "But you'll always be my little Daney Waney Subby
  She rolled her eyes and swatted him off.
  "I hate when you call me that."
  "I know. Especially when you're the least submissive person I know. That's why I'll say it twice today."
  She mock-punched him in the shoulder.
  "I think we can make this happen. Working together could be fun."
  "I know you think that. Your naivety is adorable. Really. Have you thought about the elephant in the room?"
  "What's that?"
  "You. Your face, your picture, Little Ms. Whips and Trips, going up on signs all around town. Won't your pervy friends out you to the world?"
  "Oh, I wouldn't worry about that. Scene people keep to themselves. They respect each other's privacy. After all, if they outed someone, wouldn't they be outing themselves in the process? No, I'm more worried about you and all these other agents screwing me out of potential deals. Would you really do that?"
  "Every chance I get, baby, but don't worry. I may throw you a bone or two while you're starting out."
  "Gee, thanks"
  "De nada, girl, this is Darwin Country. Survival of the Fittest. Watch your back, never mention details of a deal to anyone, and never take anything at face value. Remember, buyers are liars and sellers are storytellers."
  "But I don't get it. I'm there to help them, aren't I? How can I do that when they're lying to me?"
  "They mostly want to help themselves. They don't really believe they need you. They think they know everything, and you know nothing. They'll try to screw you at every turn, so they don't have to pay you a penny more than necessary."
  "Lovely. Sheesh, you make it sound like working in real estate would be like swimming in the Amazon with a school of piranha."
  "You'd be lucky if they were only piranhas. Selling real estate in Rock Canyon is much more like swimming with the candiru."
  "The what?" Endie, the trivia buff, never missed an opportunity to remind her about how much minutiae he knew.
  "The candiru. They're tiny Amazon parasitic catfish that either swim into the gills of other fish and eat them from the inside out, or swim up the urethra or anus of humans, who later die from the infection caused by the fish rotting inside them."
  "I'll show you, Endicott Coxwell. I'll prove I can swim in the Amazon and avoid the piranhas and candiru."
  "If anyone can do it, Dana, my money's on you. But while you're in the water, watch out for the pacu. They'll go after your balls and judging by the size of yours, it'll be like Thanksgiving at the Waltons'."

— ♦ —

D.M. Barr
Photo provided courtesy of
D.M. Barr

By day, D.M. Barr is a mild-mannered salesperson, wife, mother, rescuer of senior shelter dogs, happily living just north of New York City. By night, she is an author of sex, suspense and satire.

Her background includes stints in travel marketing, travel journalism, meeting planning, public relations and real estate. She was, for a long and happy time, an award-winning magazine writer and editor. Then kids happened. Now they're off doing whatever it is they do (of which she has no idea since they won't friend her on Facebook) and she can spend her spare time weaving tales of debauchery and whatever else tickles her fancy.

For more information about the author, please visit her website and her author page on Goodreads, or find her on Facebook and Twitter.

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Expired Listings by D.M. Barr

Expired Listings by D.M. Barr

A Psychological Thriller

Publisher: Punctuated Publishing Print/Kindle Format(s) Print/Nook Format(s)iTunes iBook FormatKobo eBook Format

What if people were dying around you and you weren't absolutely sure you weren't their murderer? Someone is 'deactivating' the Realtors in Rock Canyon and almost no one seems to care. Not the surviving brokers, who consider the serial killings a competitive boon. Not the town's residents, who see the murders as a public service. In fact, the only person who's even somewhat alarmed is Dana Black, a kinky, sharp-witted yet emotionally skittish Realtor who has no alibi for the crimes because during each, she believes she was using her empty listings for games like Bondage Bingo with her sadistic lover, Dare. And yet, mysteriously, all clues are pointing her way.

Along with clearing her name and avoiding certain death at the hands of the 'Realtor Retaliator,' Dana has an even bigger problem: she's inadvertently become a person of interest in more ways than one to Aidan Cummings, the sexy albeit vanilla detective investigating the case. While his attentions are tempting, Dana is torn — does she continue her ironically 'safe' but sterile BDSM relationship with Dare, or risk real intimacy with Aidan?

Expired Listings by D.M. Barr

A Conversation with Mystery Author Michael Mayo

Omnimystery News: Author Interview with Michael Mayo

We are delighted to welcome author Michael Mayo to Omnimystery News today.

Michael's third mystery in his Jimmy Quinn series is Jimmy and Fay (; October 2016 trade paperback and ebook formats) and we recently had the chance to catch up with him to talk more about it.

— ♦ —

Omnimystery News: Jimmy and Fay is the third entry in this series. What is your favorite part of exploring his character?

Michael Mayo
Photo provided courtesy of
Michael Mayo

Michael Mayo: Learning more about everyday life in New York in the 1920s and '30s. The times were like our own in many ways — economic instability, massive changes in technology, intense political conflict — but the differences were profound, too. The more I learn about racial relations and the growing independence of women, the more I try to incorporate them into the novels. My books are entertainment. Jimmy is never going to be a crusader, but I want to make the reality of those times an important part of the story and let readers work it out on their own.

OMN: For readers new to the series, tell us a little more about him.

MM: Jimmy was born in either 1910 or 1911. His records are unclear. His parents were Irish immigrants who moved into a crowded Hell's Kitchen building owned by a woman named Mother Moon. She raised Jimmy after his mother died and his father wandered off. Due to his small stature, Jimmy was not a good thief like many of the other kids in the place. But she realized that he could run really fast and maneuver through city streets more skillfully than any adult. He also followed orders and so she hired him out as a runner/messenger for Arnold Rothstein. Working for AR, Jimmy was involved in many of the criminal activities of the day, from the fixing of the Black Sox World Series to the first large-scale smuggling of alcohol into New York from England and Europe.

From that background, he wound up owning a quiet little neighborhood speakeasy. It's a place where both cops and crooks are welcome, and unusual things tend to happen.

OMN: The series is set in Prohibition Era New York City. How do you go about researching the city at that time?

MM: I lived in New Jersey for years and became familiar with many of the places where famous and infamous crimes were committed — the stairway in the Grand Central Building where the gunmen who killed Salvatore Maranzano escaped, the drug store (now a pet shop) where Vincent "Mad Dog" Coll was tommygunned in a phone booth. (Both killings, by the way, are still officially unsolved.) Yes, the streets and buildings have changed but the past is still there just beneath the surface.

A subscription to The New York Times is an invaluable resource. Their TimesMachine web page gives you access to every page of every issue, complete with the ads. No more squinting at reels of microfilm in the back of the library.

OMN: Suppose Jimmy were to interview you. What would he ask, and how would you answer?

MM: Assuming that Frenchy and Marie Therese have the night off, Jimmy is working behind the bar. Early in the evening, I wander in from 22nd Street. Jimmy asks what I'm drinking. I answer, "Bourbon if you've got it." He says that he doesn't really trust the stuff his distributor sells him as bourbon, so I say, "Irish then, with just a splash of seltzer, and tell me, what's the story of that painting behind the bar, the lady who's looking so coyly over her naked shoulder?"

OMN: You have written about film for newspapers and have hosted national radio shows about movies. How did you get started in those fields, and what made you transition to writing mysteries?

MM: I loved movies even before I was tall enough to hand a quarter to the attendant. Later, the social aspect of movie-going with friends or a date was less important to me than the movies themselves. That's also why I watch my favorites over and over. So, I consider myself a student of film more than a fan. I started freelancing film reviews for The Roanoke Times in the 1970s. At the same time, I was working for a public library and part of my job was producing and hosting a weekly show on the new Public Radio station. It was a combination of book and film reviews and music.

Eventually, the newspaper work led to a series of books for Visible Ink Press's VideoHound film guides — Video Premieres, Horror Show, War Movies and the DVD Guides. I did a lot of television and radio interviews promoting those books. About then, I became involved with The Movie Show on Radio, a live syndicated show. It was the most enjoyable professional experience I've ever had. I worked with terrific people and every week something surprised me.

After that, I shifted gears and wrote American Murder: Criminals, Crime and the Media. Research on that led me to the wonderful world of Prohibition. Lacking the discipline and training to explore the subject as non-fiction, I decided to write suspense novels. It wasn't much of a stretch since so many writers, going back to Walter Winchell and Damon Runyon, freely mixed fact and fiction telling those stories.

OMN: What are some of your outside interests? And have any of these found their way into your books?

MM: I walk, swim and play racquetball, and I can't say that I use any of them in the books, though I always carry pen and paper when I walk because it's so conducive to good ideas.

OMN: As a reader, when selecting a book to read for pleasure, what do you look for?

MM: First, I look for an engaging voice. Particularly when I'm considering a new author, something about that first page has to grab my attention. And I have to admit that I'm attracted to unusual settings — unusual for me, anyway — like Ovidia Yu's Singapore, Lou Berney's Oklahoma City, Rachel Howzell Hall's Los Angeles or Julie Mulhern's '70s suburbia — just to name four really good writers I've recently discovered.

OMN: What's next for you?

MM: I'm working on Jimmy's Rules. Much of it concerns William Seabrook. Though he's hardly known now, Willie was one of the most popular and influential authors of the '20s and '30s. He wrote several best-sellers about his travels to Africa and Arabia. He introduced America to zombies with Magic Island, his book about Haiti. He was an early and vigorous proponent of what's now called "polyamorous" relationships. Later in his career, he was the first celebrity to reveal that he was an alcoholic and to describe his treatment in Asylum. He and Jimmy find their way into a couple of difficult situations.

— ♦ —

Michael Mayo has written about film for the Washington Post and the Roanoke Times. He was the host of the nationally syndicated radio programs Movie Show on Radio and Max and Mike on the Movies. He is the author of American Murder: Criminals, Crime, and the Media. Mayo lives in North Carolina.

For more information about the author, please visit his website at

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Jimmy and Fay by Michael Mayo

Jimmy and Fay by Michael Mayo

A Jimmy Quinn Mystery

Publisher: Print/Kindle Format(s) Print/Nook Format(s)iTunes iBook FormatKobo eBook Format

In the midst of Prohibition, Jimmy Quinn joins forces with screen siren Fay Wray to take on a King Kong — size case of extortion.

It's March 2, 1933. King Kong is premiering at Radio City Music Hall, and Fay Wray is about to become the most famous actress on earth. So what's she doing hanging around a rundown Manhattan speakeasy? This Hollywood scream queen has come to see Jimmy Quinn, a limping tough guy who knows every gangster in New York — and does his best to steer clear of them all.

A blackmailer has pictures of a Fay Wray lookalike engaged in conduct that would make King Kong blush, and Fay's movie studio — with the cooperation of a slightly corrupt NYPD detective — wants the threat eliminated. Jimmy tries to settle the matter quietly, but stopping the extortion will cut just as deeply as Fay's famous scream, ringing from Broadway all the way to Chinatown.

Jimmy and Fay by Michael Mayo

Today's Selection of Daily Deals for Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Omnimystery News is pleased to feature a selection of today's Daily Deals found on Wednesday, November 02, 2016 at 7:30 AM ET …

Joyland by Stephen King

Joyland by Stephen King

A Novel of Suspense

Publisher: Hard Case Crime

Kindle Daily Deal Price: $1.99

Joyland by Stephen King, Amazon Kindle format

Set in a small-town North Carolina amusement park in 1973, Joyland tells the story of the summer in which college student Devin Jones comes to work as a carny and confronts the legacy of a vicious murder, the fate of a dying child, and the ways both will change his life forever.

Joyland by Stephen King

The Deep by Nick Cutter

The Deep by Nick Cutter

A Novel of Suspense

Publisher: Gallery Books

Kindle Daily Deal Price: $1.99

The Deep by Nick Cutter, Amazon Kindle format

A strange plague called the 'Gets is decimating humanity on a global scale. It causes people to forget — small things at first, like where they left their keys … then the not-so-small things like how to drive, or the letters of the alphabet. Then their bodies forget how to function involuntarily … and there is no cure.

But now, far below the surface of the Pacific Ocean, deep in the Mariana Trench, an heretofore unknown substance hailed as "ambrosia"' — a universal healer, from initial reports — has been discovered. It may just be the key to eradicating the 'Gets. In order to study this phenomenon, a special research lab, the Trieste, has been built eight miles under the sea's surface. But when the station goes incommunicado, a brave few descend through the lightless fathoms in hopes of unraveling the mysteries lurking at those crushing depths … and perhaps to encounter an evil blacker than anything one could possibly imagine.

The Deep by Nick Cutter

For more deals that may have been found after this post was created, see our Daily Deals page on Omnimystery News for an updated list.

Important Note: Price(s) verified as of the date and time shown. Price(s) are subject to change at any time. The price displayed on the vendor website at the time of the purchase will be the price paid for the book. Please confirm the price of the book before purchasing it.

Today's Selection of Free MystereBooks for Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Omnimystery News is pleased to feature a selection of Free MystereBooks found on Wednesday, November 02, 2016 at 7:00 AM ET …

The Dead Have Secrets by Owen Parr

The Dead Have Secrets by Owen Parr

A John Powers Thriller

Publisher: Owen Parr

Price: FREE!

The Dead Have Secrets by Owen Parr, Amazon Kindle format

A Bitter Pill To Swallow by C. S. Patra

A Bitter Pill To Swallow by C. S. Patra

The Portman Creamery Mysteries

Publisher: C. S. Patra

Price: FREE!

A Bitter Pill To Swallow by C. S. Patra, Amazon Kindle format

Stiletto by Caddy Rowland

Stiletto by Caddy Rowland

The Avengement Series

Publisher: Caddy Rowland

Price: FREE!

Stiletto by Caddy Rowland, Amazon Kindle format

Patriot's Passing by Summer Prescott

Patriot's Passing by Summer Prescott

A Hawg Heaven Cozy Culinary Mystery

Publisher: Summer Prescott

Price: FREE!

Patriot's Passing by Summer Prescott, Amazon Kindle format

Dying To Be a Star by Sarah Kelly

Dying To Be a Star by Sarah Kelly

An India Kirby Witch Mystery

Publisher: Lepak Monkey Publishing

Price: FREE!

Dying To Be a Star by Sarah Kelly, Amazon Kindle format

Undressed to the Nines by Jayden Hunter

Undressed to the Nines by Jayden Hunter

A Drew Stirling Thriller

Publisher: Zeke Media

Price: FREE!

Undressed to the Nines by Jayden Hunter, Amazon Kindle format

Kill Screen by Benjamin Reeves

Kill Screen by Benjamin Reeves

A Novel of Suspense

Publisher: Benjamin Reeves

Price: FREE!

Kill Screen by Benjamin Reeves, Amazon Kindle format

No Good Deed by Tim Baker

No Good Deed by Tim Baker

A Novel of Suspense

Publisher: Trindle Publishing

Price: FREE!

No Good Deed by Tim Baker, Amazon Kindle format

For a summary of all of today's titles, plus any that may have been added since this post was created, visit our Free MystereBooks page. This page is updated daily, typically by 8 AM ET.

Important Note: Price(s) verified as of the date and time shown. Price(s) are subject to change at any time. The price displayed on the vendor website at the time of the purchase will be the price paid for the book. Please confirm the price of the book before purchasing it.

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

A Cold and Lonely Place, A Novel of Suspense by Sara J. Henry, Now Available at a Special Price

Omnimystery News is always searching for newly discounted mystery, suspense, thriller and crime novels for our readers to enjoy.

Today, we're pleased to present the following title, now available at a special price courtesy of the publisher, Crown …

A Cold and Lonely Place by Sara J. Henry

A Cold and Lonely Place by Sara J. Henry

A Novel of Suspense

Publisher: Crown

Price: $1.99 (as of 11/01/2016 at 8:00 PM ET).

A Cold and Lonely Place by Sara J. Henry, Amazon Kindle format

While watching the crew build the Winter Carnival ice palace, Troy Chance sees a body encased in the frozen lake — a man she recognizes as the boyfriend of one of her roommates. When she is assigned to write a feature on his life and mysterious death, Troy discovers he was the missing son of a wealthy Connecticut family.

Trying to unravel what brought him to this Adirondack village, she joins forces with his girlfriend and his sister, who comes to town to find answers. But as Troy digs deeper, it's clear someone doesn't want the investigation to continue. And when she uncovers long-buried secrets that could shatter the serenity of the small town and many people's lives, she'll be forced to decide how far her own loyalties reach.

A Cold and Lonely Place by Sara J. Henry

A complete list of today's featured titles can be found on the Discounted MystereBooks page on Omnimystery News.

Important Note: Price(s) verified as of the date and time shown. Price(s) are subject to change at any time. Please confirm the price of the book before purchasing it.

Review: The 7th Canon by Robert Dugoni

Mysterious Reviews: Reviews of New Mysteries, Novels of Suspense, and Thrillers

A Mysterious Review of The 7th Canon by Robert Dugoni. A Legal Thriller.

Review summary: This is a thrilling mystery with an incredibly well-drawn cast of characters. The way the storyline unfolds is exceptionally well handled, and this case of a priest on trial for the murder of one of his charges will keep fans of legal thrillers turning the pages. Highly recommended. (Click here for text of full review.)

Our rating: 5 of 5 stars

The 7th Canon Robert Dugoni

The 7th Canon
Robert Dugoni
A Legal Thriller
Thomas & Mercer (September 2016)

Available from Amazon.comAvailable from Barnes & Noble

Publisher synopsis: In San Francisco's seamy Tenderloin district, a teenage street hustler has been murdered in a shelter for boys. And the dedicated priest who runs the struggling home stands accused. But despite damning evidence that he's a killer — and worse — Father Thomas Martin stands by his innocence. And attorney Peter Donley stands with him.

For three years Donley has cut his legal teeth in his uncle's tiny, no-frills firm, where people come before profits. Just as Donley is poised to move on to a lucrative dream job, the shocking case lands in his lap, and he must put his future on hold while putting his courtroom skills to the test. But a ruthless DA seeking headlines and a brutal homicide cop bent on vengeance have their own agendas. Now, as he unearths the dirty secrets surrounding the case, Donley must risk his neck to save his client's life … and expose the face of true evil.

Drape Expectations, A Caprice De Luca Mystery by Karen Rose Smith, Now Available at a Special Price

Omnimystery News is always searching for newly discounted mystery, suspense, thriller and crime novels for our readers to enjoy.

Today, we're pleased to present the following title, now available at a special price courtesy of the publisher, Kensington …

Drape Expectations by Karen Rose Smith

Drape Expectations by Karen Rose Smith

A Caprice De Luca Mystery (4th in series)

Publisher: Kensington

Price: $2.99 (as of 11/01/2016 at 7:00 PM ET).

Drape Expectations by Karen Rose Smith, Amazon Kindle format

See all six titles in the Caprice De Luca Mystery Series for $5.99 or less each on Kindle.

These days, home stager Caprice De Luca's calendar is a full house. Her grandmother's health is failing, her wayward uncle is stirring the pot, and she's torn between two equally eligible suitors. With so much drama in her personal life, Caprice is grateful to have Ace Richland, a former 80s rock star, ask her to stage his girlfriend's house.

But Alanna Goodwin is a tough customer who balks at Caprice's ideas and all but commandeers the staging. Caprice almost isn't surprised when the snappish Southern belle is strangled to death with a tieback from her tacky velvet drapes. But just as she draws back the curtains on the truth, Caprice realizes she may be next on a murderer's set list …

Drape Expectations by Karen Rose Smith

A complete list of today's featured titles can be found on the Discounted MystereBooks page on Omnimystery News.

Important Note: Price(s) verified as of the date and time shown. Price(s) are subject to change at any time. Please confirm the price of the book before purchasing it.

New This Week: The Devil's Cheap Disguise, A Jake Legato Mystery by Copper Smith

Omnimystery News is pleased to present a mystery, suspense, or thriller ebook that we recently found by sleuthing (as it were) through new or recently reissued titles from independent publishers during November 2016 and priced $5.99 or less.

Visit our New Indie MystereBooks page for a complete list of titles featured today.

The Devil's Cheap Disguise by Copper Smith

The Devil's Cheap Disguise by Copper Smith

A Jake Legato Mystery (2nd in series)

Publisher: Uppercut Avenue Press

Price: $2.99 (as of 11/01/2016 at 6:30 PM ET).

The Devil's Cheap Disguise by Copper Smith, Amazon Kindle format

See also the first mystery in this series, Kiss the Ladies Goodnight, for 99¢ on Kindle.

When a wild and reckless Hollywood star named Poppy Van Doren drops dead from a coke overdose, her friend, an easy-on-the-eyes Chilean drug runner named Miciela, comes to ex-detective Jake Legato for help.

At first, Legato thinks he's got an easy job until things get complicated by a creepy — and murderous — cabal of underground Hollywood swingers.

The Devil's Cheap Disguise by Copper Smith

Important Note: Price(s) verified as of the date and time shown. Price(s) are subject to change at any time. Please confirm the price of the book before purchasing it.

Blood of the Wicked, A Mario Silva Investigation by Leighton Gage, Now Available at a Special Price

Omnimystery News is always searching for newly discounted mystery, suspense, thriller and crime novels for our readers to enjoy.

Today, we're pleased to present the following title, now available at a special price courtesy of the publisher, Soho Crime …

Blood of the Wicked by Leighton Gage

Blood of the Wicked by Leighton Gage

A Mario Silva Investigation (1st in series)

Publisher: Soho Crime

Price: $1.99 (as of 11/01/2016 at 6:00 PM ET).

Blood of the Wicked by Leighton Gage, Amazon Kindle format

See more titles in the Mario Silva Series now just $2.99 or less each on Kindle.

Chief Inspector Mario Silva of Brazil's Federal Police is a good cop in a bad system — Brazil's justice system is rife with corruption, and constantly a beat behind criminal elements. But Silva and his team of colorful sidekicks — baby-faced Gonçalves, who is irresistible to lady witnesses; chubby, crass Nuñes; Mara Carta, the chief of intelligence with a soft spot for Mario — crack their difficult and sometimes ugly cases with pizazz.

In the interior of Brazil, landless workers battle the owners of vast fazendas. When a visiting archbishop is assassinated, Mario Silva is called upon to investigate. Then a newspaper owner, a TV journalist, a landowner's son, and a priest are brutally killed. In a country where dead street kids are known as "hams," justice is scarce.

Blood of the Wicked by Leighton Gage

A complete list of today's featured titles can be found on the Discounted MystereBooks page on Omnimystery News.

Important Note: Price(s) verified as of the date and time shown. Price(s) are subject to change at any time. Please confirm the price of the book before purchasing it.

New This Week: The Stolen Identity, The Sydney Harbour Hospital Series by Chris Taylor

Omnimystery News is pleased to present a mystery, suspense, or thriller ebook that we recently found by sleuthing (as it were) through new or recently reissued titles from independent publishers during November 2016 and priced $5.99 or less.

Visit our New Indie MystereBooks page for a complete list of titles featured today.

The Stolen Identity by Chris Taylor

The Stolen Identity by Chris Taylor

The Sydney Harbour Hospital Series (7th in series)

Publisher: LCT Productions

Price: $5.99 (as of 11/01/2016 at 5:30 PM ET).

The Stolen Identity by Chris Taylor, Amazon Kindle format

See all seven titles in the Sydney Harbour Hospital Series for $5.99 each on Kindle.

Morgan O'Brien is in love with her job.

As a midwife at the Sydney Harbour Hospital, there's nothing more exciting than being present at the birth of a baby. But being around newborns night and day only emphasizes the fact she doesn't have a family of her own. At thirty, her biological clock is ticking and she can't help but remember the baby she chose to abort all those years ago …

But then her father disappears in mysterious circumstances and babies are the last thing on her mind. Where has he gone and why has he left without telling her? She's his only child. They keep in regular contact. He would have told her he was going away …

Concerned, Morgan arrives back in her hometown and immediately runs into sinfully good-looking, Detective Sergeant Colt Barrington. She hasn't seen him since college and there's a good reason for that … He's the father of the baby she never had …

But her father has disappeared and Morgan wants to know why. Will she turn to her ex-lover in the hopes he can find her father, or will they both end up regretting the fact Morgan O'Brien is back in town … ?

The Stolen Identity by Chris Taylor

Important Note: Price(s) verified as of the date and time shown. Price(s) are subject to change at any time. Please confirm the price of the book before purchasing it.

The Widower's Two-Step, A Tres Navarre Mystery by Rick Riordan, Now Available at a Special Price

Omnimystery News is always searching for newly discounted mystery, suspense, thriller and crime novels for our readers to enjoy.

Today, we're pleased to present the following title, now available at a special price courtesy of the publisher, Bantam …

The Widower's Two-Step by Rick Riordan

The Widower's Two-Step by Rick Riordan

A Tres Navarre Mystery (2nd in series)

Publisher: Bantam

Price: 99¢ (as of 11/01/2016 at 5:00 PM ET).

The Widower's Two-Step by Rick Riordan, Amazon Kindle format

See all seven titles in the Tres Navarre Mystery Series for $7.99 or less each on Kindle.

Tres Navarre has just hours of apprenticeship time to serve before he can go for his P.I. license. Staking out a musician suspected of stealing a demo tape should be a piece of pan dulce. But his attention wanders just long enough for fiddle player Julie Kearnes to be gunned down before his eyes. He should just back away and let the cops investigate, but backing away has never been Tres's strong point.

The missing demo and Julie's murder are just two of the problems besetting Miranda Daniels, a pint-sized singer with Texas-sized talent. She's the prize in a tug-of-war between two music hotshots who want to manage her career. One has a habit of making bad things happen to people he doesn't like. The other has just vanished without a trace. As Tres looks into the dirty dealings surrounding Miranda, it becomes clear he's stepped into a rattlesnakes' nest of greed, double cross, and murder — and he may be the next to be snakebit.

The Widower's Two-Step by Rick Riordan

A complete list of today's featured titles can be found on the Discounted MystereBooks page on Omnimystery News.

Important Note: Price(s) verified as of the date and time shown. Price(s) are subject to change at any time. Please confirm the price of the book before purchasing it.

New This Week: Who Iced The Snowman?, A Cisco Maloney Mystery by D. Ray Pauwels

Omnimystery News is pleased to present a mystery, suspense, or thriller ebook that we recently found by sleuthing (as it were) through new or recently reissued titles from independent publishers during November 2016 and priced $5.99 or less.

Visit our New Indie MystereBooks page for a complete list of titles featured today.

Who Iced The Snowman? by D. Ray Pauwels

Who Iced The Snowman? by D. Ray Pauwels

A Cisco Maloney Mystery

Publisher: Cozy Cat Press

Price: $2.99 (as of 11/01/2016 at 4:30 PM ET).

Who Iced The Snowman? by D. Ray Pauwels, Amazon Kindle format

It's Christmas eve, and business is slow for Cisco Maloney, ex-cop turned private investigator who's staring down a pile of unpaid bills, a dissatisfied client, and a wrathful landlady. When word gets around that millionaire children's entertainer Plotzky the Snowman has been found melted under suspicious circumstances, Cisco and his sidekick Carmine set out to investigate, spurred by the promise of a $1,000 reward for anyone solving the case (hey, money talked louder back in the good ol' days).

The trail leads them through the fantastical underbelly of Wurstburg, USA, populated by roving gangs of underclass snowmen out to avenge their fallen brother, and shadowy figures like the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus, who run the city's rackets. Everyone's got a motive. Everyone's a suspect. But only one of them knows Who Iced The Snowman?

Who Iced The Snowman? by D. Ray Pauwels

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