Omnimystery News is always searching for newly discounted mystery, suspense, thriller and crime novels for our readers to enjoy.
Today, we're pleased to present the following title, now available at a special price courtesy of the publisher, Witness Impulse …
Dead and Buried by Stephen Booth
A Cooper & Fry Mystery (12th in series)
Publisher: Witness Impulse
Price: 99¢ (as of 05/31/2016 at 8:00 PM ET).
Click here to take a Look Inside Dead and Buried.
As wildfires ravage the Peak District's idyllic national park, hundreds of firefighters and park rangers fight to keep the blaze from reaching a historic inn, a landmark that has been boarded up for years.
For weeks now, acts of arson have destroyed miles of land, and once the flames die down, a grim surprise awaits detectives Ben Cooper and Diane Fry — a body, dead for years.
— Dead and Buried by Stephen Booth
A complete list of today's featured titles can be found on the Discounted MystereBooks page on Omnimystery News.
Important Note: Price(s) verified as of the date and time shown. Price(s) are subject to change at any time. Please confirm the price of the book before purchasing it.