Omnimystery News is always searching for newly discounted mystery, suspense, thriller and crime novels for our readers to enjoy.
Today, we're pleased to present the following title, now available at a special price courtesy of the publisher, Avon …
A Cook in Time by Joanne Pence
An Angie Amalfi Mystery (7th in series)
Publisher: Avon
Price: $3.99 (as of 04/29/2016 at 8:00 PM ET).
Click here to take a Look Inside A Cook in Time.
Always thinking of new and better business ideas, culinary queen Angie Amalfi is sure she's got a winner with "Fantasy Dinners," one — of — a — kind thematic feasts specifically created to suit a client's unique tastes. Unfortunately no one's biting except the Prometheus Group, a crackpot cadre of UFO — chasers and conspiracy geeks. Still, even a wacko customer's better than none, and designing an otherworldly repast should keep Angie busy while her overworked policeman beau Paavo investigates a series of bizarre murders.
But the more time she spends dealing with these alien abduction enthusiasts, the more Angie believes that maybe there is some kind of conspiracy afoot and that the Prometheans and Paavo's cases are somehow connected — — which is inspiring just the kind of unhealthy curiosity that could end up launching Angie out of this world … for good!
— A Cook in Time by Joanne Pence
A complete list of today's featured titles can be found on the Discounted MystereBooks page on Omnimystery News.
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